Sa‘d was injured on the Day of the Trench by the arrow of man from Quraysh

Sa‘d was injured on the Day of the Trench by the arrow of man from Quraysh

‘Ā’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: Sa‘d was injured on the Day of the Trench by the arrow of man from Quraysh called Hibbān ibn al-‘Arqah (Hibbān ibn Qays) from the tribe of Banu Mu‘ayyis ibn ‘Āmir ibn Lu'ai who shot him in the median vein of the arm. So the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) set up a tent for him in the mosque in order to visit him from nearby. When the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) returned from the trench he placed his weapon down and washed up. Jibrīl (may peace be upon him) came to him while he was shaking the dust from his head and said: "Have you laid down weapons? By Allah! I have not laid it down! Go out to them!" The Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Where?" So he pointed to Banu Qurayzhah. The Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) went to them and they surrendered. He turned the judgment over to Sa‘d, and Sa‘d said: "I rule that their warriors be killed, their women and offspring be taken as captives, and that their wealth be divided." Hishām said: "My father informed me that ‘Ā’ishah reported that Sa‘d said: 'O Allah, Indeed, You know that there is no one that I love to battle in Your cause than a people who belied and drove out Your Messenger (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him). O Allah, I think that You have ended the war between us and them, so if there remains any war against the Quraysh, then keep me alive so that I may battle them in Your cause; and if You have indeed ended the war, then let the blood flow and make my death therein." So his wound erupted from his throat. There was a tent in the mosque belonging to Banu Ghifār, and they were scared at the sight of blood flowing towards them. They said: "O people of this tent, what is it that is coming to us from your side?" And Sa‘d's wound continued to bleed, and he died from it (may Allah be pleased with him). [Al-Bukhāri]

[Authentic hadith] [Narrated by Bukhari & Muslim]


The noble Hadīth shows merits of Sa‘d ibn Mu‘ādh, a grand companion of the Prophet. A tent was set up for him in the mosque in order for the Prophet to visit him after he had sustained injuries in Jihad. Also, he passed a judgment on Banu Qurayzhah that came in accordance with the divine Judgment: to kill their men, take their women and offspring as captives, and to take their wealth. Indeed, Jews had betrayed Muslims, breached their covenant, and taken advantage of the circumstances of the battle of the Trench, when Quraysh mustered on the outskirts of Madīnah. Further to his merits, Sa‘d's prayer was accepted, resulting in his martyrdom. He prayed that Allah keep him alive, if Muslims still had to fight Quraysh or that Allah let him die from wounds, if the war was over.


The rulings of mosques, Prophet's Battles and Expeditions