A slave has two counts of divorce to discharge toward his free wife, who shall observe a waiting period of three menstrual cycles. A free man has two counts of divorce to discharge toward his slave wife, who shall observe a waiting period of two menstrual cycles

A slave has two counts of divorce to discharge toward his free wife, who shall observe a waiting period of three menstrual cycles. A free man has two counts of divorce to discharge toward his slave wife, who shall observe a waiting period of two menstrual cycles

Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said: "A slave has two counts of divorce to discharge toward his free wife, who shall observe a waiting period of three menstrual cycles. A free man has two counts of divorce to discharge toward his slave wife, who shall observe a waiting period of two menstrual cycles."

[Authentic hadith] [Al-Bayhaqi - Narrated by Ad-Daraqutny - ‘Abdur-Razzaaq]


In this tradition, Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) mentions that a slave man who is owned by a master can divorce his free wife or his slave wife twice only. His free wife should then observe a waiting period of three menstrual cycles. Likewise, a free man can divorce his slave wife twice only, who then should observe a waiting period of two menstrual cycles.


Divorce, Waiting Period