The Hour will not appear until you fight the non-Arab Khudh and Kirman. They are red faced, flat nosed, and small eyed. Their faces are like shields coated with leather and their shoes are made of hair

The Hour will not appear until you fight the non-Arab Khudh and Kirman. They are red faced, flat nosed, and small eyed. Their faces are like shields coated with leather and their shoes are made of hair

Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "The Hour will not appear until you fight the non-Arab Khudh and Kirman. They are red faced, flat nosed, and small eyed. Their faces are like shields coated with leather and their shoes are made of hair."

[Sahih/Authentic.] [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]


The Hour will not appear until the Muslims fight the people of Khudh and Kirman from the non-Arab lands. They are described as having white reddish faces, due to the effect of the cold on their bodies. Their noses are flat and their eyes are small. Their faces are like flat round shields “coated with leather,” to indicate their chubbiness and they walk in shoes made of hair.


Portents of the Hour