You indulge in such actions that are less significant in your eyes than a hair, while we used to consider them destructive sins during the Prophet’s lifetime

You indulge in such actions that are less significant in your eyes than a hair, while we used to consider them destructive sins during the Prophet’s lifetime

Anas ibn Mālik (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “You indulge in such actions that are less significant in your eyes than a hair, while we used to consider them destructive sins during the Prophet’s lifetime.”

[Authentic hadith] [Narrated by Bukhari]


Anas ibn Mālik (may Allah be pleased with him) addressed a group of people who took some deeds lightly, saying: You take some sins lightly because you fail to consider the greatness of the One you disobey. They seem trivial in your sight; whereas the Companions used to consider them as destructive sins, given the greatness of the One disobeyed, and because they were extremely fearful and heedful of their Lord and used to hold themselves accountable for their actions.


Merits of the Companions, Purification of Souls