Shall I inform you about the people of Paradise? Every weak person who is looked down upon, if he were to make an oath in the name of Allah, He would fulfill it. Shall I inform you about the people of Hellfire? Every cruel, greedy, and arrogant person
Shall I inform you about the people of Paradise? Every weak person who is looked down upon, if he were to make an oath in the name of Allah, He would fulfill it. Shall I inform you about the people of Hellfire? Every cruel, greedy, and arrogant person
Hārithah ibn Wahb al-Khuzā‘i reported: I heard the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) say: "Shall I inform you about the people of Paradise? Every weak person who is looked down upon, if he were to make an oath in the name of Allah, He would fulfill it. Shall I inform you about the people of Hellfire? Every cruel, greedy, and arrogant person."
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The Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) informed about some of the qualities of the dwellers of Paradise and those of Hellfire. The majority among the dwellers of Paradise are: "Every weak person who is looked down upon," i.e., modest and submissive to Allah Almighty, who humbles himself to Him to the extent that some people may overpower and despise him. If this person, who humbles himself to Allah Almighty, makes an oath by Allah hoping for the generosity of Allah Almighty, He will fulfill it for him and make him realize his oath and will answer his request and supplication. The majority among the dwellers of Hellfire are: every ‘Utul (cruel), i.e., harsh, rude, vehement disputer, or the indecent person who does no good; Jawāzh (greedy), i.e., the arrogant, gluttonous person who has an enormous body and who walks with a conceited gait and adopts bad morals; and Mustakbir (arrogant) for rejecting the truth and looking down upon others.Benefits
Encouraging the act of adopting the qualities of the people of Paradise and warning against the qualities of the people of Hellfire.
Modesty with Allah is by humbling oneself to Him and to His commands and prohibitions and by obeying them, and modesty with people is by not treating them arrogantly.
Ibn Hajar said: It means that these are the majority of the dwellers of Paradise and the others are the majority of the dwellers of Hellfire, and it does not mean that they constitute all of the dwellers of both sides.
The Hereafter Life