If you say to your companion 'listen' on Friday while the Imām is delivering the sermon, you have thus engaged in idle talk
If you say to your companion 'listen' on Friday while the Imām is delivering the sermon, you have thus engaged in idle talk
Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "If you say to your companion 'listen' on Friday while the Imām is delivering the sermon, you have thus engaged in idle talk."
العربية বাংলা Bosanski Español فارسی Français Bahasa Indonesia Русский Tagalog Türkçe اردو 中文 हिन्दी ئۇيغۇرچە Kurdî Hausa Português മലയാളം తెలుగు Kiswahili မြန်မာ Deutsch 日本語 پښتو Tiếng Việt অসমীয়া Shqip Svenska Čeština ગુજરાતી አማርኛ Yorùbá Nederlands සිංහල தமிழ் ไทย دری Кыргызча Lietuvių Kinyarwanda नेपाली Malagasy Italiano or ಕನ್ನಡ Oromoo Română Soomaali Српски Wolof Українська Moore Azərbaycan ქართული MagyarExplanation
The Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) points out that one of the ethics that should be observed by those who attend the Friday sermon is to listen to the preacher to ponder over the delivered lessons and that whoever speaks - albeit the least of words - while the Imām is giving the sermon and tells someone to "keep silent" or to 'listen' has thus missed the merit of the Friday prayer.Benefits
It is prohibited to speak while listening to the sermon, even to forbid something wrong, return a greeting, or say tashmīt (saying: may Allah show mercy to you) to someone who has sneezed.
Excluded from this is a person who speaks to the Imām or the Imām speaks to him.
It is permissible to speak between the two sermons if needed.
If mention of the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) is made while the Imām is delivering the sermon, you should invoke Allah's blessings upon him inaudibly. The same holds for saying 'amen' after supplications.
Jumu‘ah (Friday) Prayer