What if there was a river at the door of any of you wherein he takes a bath five times a day? Would there remain any of his filth?
What if there was a river at the door of any of you wherein he takes a bath five times a day? Would there remain any of his filth?
Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that he heard the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) say: "What if there was a river at the door of any of you wherein he takes a bath five times a day? Would there remain any of his filth?" They said: Nothing of his filth would remain. He said: "This is similar to the five prayers by means of which Allah erases sins."
[Authentic hadith] [Narrated by Bukhari & Muslim]
العربية বাংলা Bosanski Español فارسی Français Bahasa Indonesia Русский Tagalog Türkçe اردو 中文 हिन्दी ئۇيغۇرچە Kurdî Português සිංහල Svenska ગુજરાતી አማርኛ Yorùbá Tiếng Việt Hausa Kiswahili پښتو অসমীয়া دری Кыргызча or Malagasy नेपाली Čeština Oromoo Română Nederlands Soomaali తెలుగు മലയാളം ไทย Српски Kinyarwanda ಕನ್ನಡ Lietuvių Wolof Українська ქართული Moore Magyar Shqip Македонски AzərbaycanExplanation
The Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) likened the five prayers every day and night and their effect on removing and expiating minor sins and misdeeds to a river at one's door wherefrom he takes a bath five times every day and, thus, nothing of his dirt or filth remains.Benefits
Such merit is exclusive to expiating minor sins, whereas major sins require repentance.
The merit of performing the five prayers and observing them while fulfilling their conditions, pillars, obligatory and Sunnah acts.
Virtue of Prayer