Alla ina wele gaa jiyaaɗo de ñaamat ñaamande o yetta heen Alla, wollo de o yara yarannde o yetta Mbo heen

Alla ina wele gaa jiyaaɗo de ñaamat ñaamande o yetta heen Alla, wollo de o yara yarannde o yetta Mbo heen

Ƴettaama e Anas Ɓiy Maalik yo weleende allo won e muh o wii: nelaaɗo yo allo juuli e dow muh o hisno ɗum o wii : «Alla ina wele gaa jiyaaɗo de ñaamat ñaamande o yetta heen Alla, wollo de o yara yarannde o yetta Mbo heen »

[صحيح] [رواه مسلم]


Annabi yo allo juuli e dow muh o hisno ɗum ina laɓɓino wonde jettooru jiyaaɗo Joom muh e ɓural makko e neema makko ko geɗe ɗe o waawat dañirde weluyo Alla; o ñaama ñaamdu o wi'a: njettooje ngoodanii Alla, o yara njaram o wi'a: njettooje ngoodanii Alla.

فوائد الحديث

Teddungal Alla Tedduɗo mawɗo O, ko goonga O yeɗii men e ɓural Makko, O welaa yetteede,

Weluya Alla ina heɓire na ɓuri newaade e sabaabu, hono yettude caggal ñaamde e yarde,

Ina jeyaa e neediiji ñaamde e yarde: Yettude Alla toowɗo O saango ñaamde e yarde .


Manners of Eating and Drinking