Foods and Drinks
Foods and Drinks
1- Verily, Allah has enjoined kindness in all things
العربية বাংলা Bosanski Español فارسی Français Bahasa Indonesia Türkçe اردو 中文 हिन्दी Tagalog ئۇيغۇرچە Kurdî Hausa Português മലയാളം తెలుగు Kiswahili தமிழ் မြန်မာ Русский Deutsch 日本語 پښتو Tiếng Việt অসমীয়া Shqip සිංහල دری Svenska አማርኛ Čeština Fulfulde ગુજરાતી Magyar Italiano ಕನ್ನಡ Кыргызча Lietuvių Malagasy Nederlands or Română Kinyarwanda Српски тоҷикӣ ไทย O‘zbek Yorùbá Moore नेपाली Oromoo Wolof Soomaali Български Українська Azərbaycan bm ქართული Lingala Македонски
25- forbade (eating the flesh of) all carnivorous animals that have fangs and all birds that have talons