The Creed
The Creed
3- O Allah, do not make my grave an idol that is worshiped
8- 'Whoever swears by other than Allah has disbelieved or associated partners with Allah.'
18- certainly admit him into Paradise, regardless of the deeds which he has done
20- Whoever dies while invoking besides Allah another equal will enter Hellfire
24- If Allah wills good for someone, He makes him suffer from afflictions
27- Indeed, Allah does not look at your appearance and wealth, but He looks at your hearts and deeds.”
32- Everyone of my Ummah will enter Paradise except those who refuse
33- Whoever imitates a people is one of them
37- You will see your Lord as you see this moon, you will not have any difficulty in seeing Him
38- Verily, Allah gives respite to the oppressor, but when He seizes him, He does not release him
53- Do not sit on graves, and do not pray towards them
64- Indeed, Allah will distinguish a man from my Ummah before all of creation on the Day of Judgment
65- When Allah created Paradise and Hellfire, He sent Jibrīl (Gabriel) (peace be upon him)
68- What stands between a man and polytheism and disbelief is the abandonment of the prayers
69- The covenant between us and them is prayer; so, whoever abandons it has disbelieved
70- Indeed, Allah Almighty forbids you to swear by your forefathers
76- Hasten to deeds before being overtaken by tribulations that are like patches of the darkest night;
82- Verily, you will follow those before you, span by span and cubit by cubit
104- No slave covers another slave in this world except that Allah would cover him on the Day of Judgment
113- You have asked me about a great matter, which is, indeed, easy for whomever Allah makes it easy
126- The strong believer is better and dearer to Allah than the weak believer, and there is good in both
131- By the One in Whose Hand my soul is, you will follow the ways of those before you
145- Take it off, for it will only increase your weakness. If you die with it on, you will never succeed
148- There is none among you except that Allah will speak to him, with no interpreter between Him and him
149- Whoever hangs an amulet has committed Shirk (polytheism)
170- Angels do not accompany a group of travelers who have a dog or a bell with them
197- for he did not ever say: My Lord, forgive my sins on the Day of Judgment
200- praise be to Allah Who reduced his plotting to whispering
203- You have embraced Islam along with your past good deeds
211- The Hour will not be established until the time is shortened
216- Death will be brought forward in the shape of a black and white ram
217- Your fire is a one-seventieth part of Hellfire
219- Everything is decreed, even incapacity and capacity, or capacity and incapacity
220- If Allah decreed that someone should die in a certain land, He makes for him a reason to go there
221- I am Dimām ibn Tha‘labah, from the brothers of Banu Sa‘d ibn Bakr
225- The Jews incurred Allah's wrath, and the Christians went astray
228- Say 'there is no god but Allah', and I will testify for you by it on the Day of Judgment
230- Go and say to him: You are not from the people of Hellfire but from the people of Paradise
231- {Then, on that Day, you will definitely be questioned about your worldly pleasures.}
233- Write down; for by the One in Whose Hand my soul is, nothing comes out of it except the truth
234- When you hear the Muezzin, say what he says and then invoke Allah's blessings upon me
265- Intercede and you will be rewarded, and Allah will decide what He loves on the tongue of His Prophet
274- On the Day of Judgment, the sun will be drawn near people until it becomes a mile away from them
309- Allah is the Physician. You are only a kind man. The one who heals it is the One who created it
375- While Ayyūb (peace be upon him) was taking a bath, naked, golden locusts began to fall upon him
429- Read the Qur’an, as it will come as an intercessor for its companions on the Day of Resurrection
431- Whoever carries weapons against us is not one of us